Day: July 1, 2024

01 Jul 2024

Interval Funds a Compelling Option for Retail Investors

Flat Rock Global CIO Shiloh Bates spoke with LevFin Insights reporter Krista Giovacco about interval funds as an investment option for retail investors. Interval funds provide daily share prices and allow investors to redeem or add shares at specific intervals. They also provide daily share prices and offer greater liquidity and accessibility to retail investors. Read the article and take a look at Shiloh’s video on interval fund basics to learn more.  

This must be preceded or accompanied by the prospectus

  • Flat Rock Core Income Fund (the “Fund”) is a continuously offered, non-diversified, closed-end management investment company that is operated as an interval fund.
  • The Fund’s investment objective is the preservation of capital while generating current income from its debt investments and seeking to maximize the portfolio’s total return.
  • ALPS serves as our principal underwriter, within the meaning of the 1940 Act, and will act as the distributor of our shares on a best efforts’ basis, subject to various conditions.
  • Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses.
  • Interest Rate Risk: Rising interest rates may adversely affect the value of our portfolio investments which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
  • Closed-End Management Company Risk: Regulations governing our operation as a registered closed-end management investment company affect our ability to raise additional capital and the way in which we do so. As a registered closed-end management investment company, the necessity of raising additional capital may expose us to risks, including the typical risks associated with leverage.
  • Repurchase Risk: The timing of our repurchase offers pursuant to our Repurchase Program may be at a time that is disadvantageous to our shareholders.
  • Market Risk: Changes in laws or regulations governing our operations may adversely affect our business or cause us to alter our business strategy. We may be more susceptible than a diversified fund to being adversely affected by any single corporate, economic, political or regulatory occurrence. Regulations governing our operation as a registered closed-end management investment company affect our ability to raise additional capital and the way in which we do so.
  • Investing in Senior Loans involves a number of significant risks. Below investment grade Senior Loans have historically experienced greater default rates than has been the case for investment grade securities.

The Fund’s use of leverage creates the opportunity for increased returns in the Fund, but it also creates special risks. To the extent used, there is no assurance that the Fund’s leveraging strategies will be successful.

  • All historical performance prior to 11/23/2020 is of the Predecessor Fund, Flat Rock Capital Corp.
  • Investing in the Fund’s shares involves risks, including the following:
  • Shares of the Fund will not be listed on any securities exchange, which makes them inherently illiquid.
  • There is no secondary market for the Fund’s shares, and it is not anticipated that a secondary market will develop. Thus, an investment in the Fund may not be suitable for investors who may need the money they invest in a specified timeframe.
  • The shares of the Fund are not redeemable.
  • Although the Fund will offer to repurchase at least 5% of outstanding shares on a quarterly basis in accordance with the Fund’s repurchase policy, the Fund will not be required to repurchase shares at a shareholder’s option nor will shares be exchangeable for units, interests or shares of any security.
  • The Fund is not required to extend, and shareholders should not expect the Fund’s Board of Trustees to authorize, repurchase offers in excess of 5% of outstanding shares.
  • Regardless of how the Fund performs, an investor may not be able to sell or otherwise liquidate his or her shares whenever such investor would prefer and, except to the extent permitted under the quarterly repurchase offer, will be unable to reduce his or her exposure on any market downturn.
  • The Fund’s distributions may be funded from unlimited amounts of offering proceeds or borrowings, which may constitute a return of capital and reduce the amount of capital available to the Fund for investment. Any capital returned to shareholders through distributions will be distributed after payment of fees and expenses. The amounts and timing of distributions that the Fund may pay, if any, is uncertain.
  • A return of capital to shareholders is a return of a portion of their original investment in the Fund, thereby reducing the tax basis of their investment. As a result of such reduction in tax basis, shareholders may be subject to tax in connection with the sale of Shares, even if such Shares are sold at a loss relative to the shareholder’s original investment.

Shares are speculative and involve a high degree of risk, including the risk associated with below-investment grade securities and leverage.